
Sunday, 5 May 2019

Tangara Technology Upgrade Update

Hi all.
A lot of you have been asking me for an update on the Tanagara Technology Upgrade.

The photo above was in the September 2017 Fleet Update.
This photo was taken inside set T106.

Currently the two sets undergoing the upgrade and trials to do with the upgrade are at UGL UniPart in Auburn.
The sets are T72 and T106.

Testing should start sometime soon with these two sets followed by the entry to service some time after that.

If anyone does have any info, please follow Sydney Trains Vlogs on Facebook and send me a message through there.

Phil, Sydney Trains Vlogs.

Sydney Metro Stage 1 Opens 26th May 2019

Hi all.
As a lot of you may have seen in various places already, Sydney Metro Stage 1 opens on Sunday 26th May 2019.
This line includes the following stations:
Rouse Hill
Bella Vista
Hills Showground
Castle Hill
Macquarie University
Macquarie Park

At Chatswood people can change for Sydney Trains T9 services to Gordon and T1 Western and North Shore trains.

This line will be operated by the new driverless Alstom Metropolis train which will for now, be 6 carriages long and will run approx every 4 minutes in peak times.

Below are a few links to videos of mine including Sydney Metro station tours and testing of the new trains:

Rouse Hill Station Tour:

Hills Showground Station Tour:

Castle Hill Station Tour:

Driverless train testing at Chatswood:

Driverless train testing at Balmoral Rd, Kellyville:

Thanks for reading,
Phil (Sydney Trains Vlogs)